Student Solution


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5.11 Discussion

5.11 Discussion

Q Goal Report your bird "beak" foraging results and compare your bird to your classmates. Prompts: Post #1 – Do by Thursday 11:59 pm Paste in the data table from Question 3 in Simulating Beak Differences Write a few sentences about your bird's beak (the tool) and how well it was able ot pick up the different kinds of seeds you used. Post #2 – Do by Sunday 11:59 pm Reply to a classmate or to the group in general and write a bit comparing the results everyone is reporting. Did some of you use similar seeds and see different success with different tools? Or did you use similar tools and have success with different kinds of seeds. This is meant to be a reflection on beak size and shape and foraging adaptations. No Post #3 this time Grading: Learning and growth take practice and reflection and I am here to support your efforts. All assignments will receive an initial grade based on the provided rubric. If you aren't happy with the points you receive or need to improve your submission, everyone will have the option to review my feedback, revise your work, and resubmit your assignment by the "available until" date 1 week after the original due date. If you have questions about how to improve a submission or about my feedback, please ask me. My goal is to provide feedback within 72 hours of the due date for the assignment. Technical Help: How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion?Links to an external site. How do I reply to a discussion as a student?Links to an external site. How do I edit or delete discussion replies as a student?Links to an external site. How do I subscribe to a discussion as a student?Links to an external site. How do I view and sort discussion replies as a student?Links to an external site. How do I know when my instructor has graded my assignment?Links to an external site. How do I view assignment comments from my instructor?Links to an external site.

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Macaroni: 15 to start- picked up 8. Coco Puffs: 45 to start- picked up 10. Fruity Pebbles: 40 to start- picked up 31. I used an eyebrow tweezer as my beak. I originally thought that I would not pick up as many of the macaroni as I did, but I picked up about half of the entire macaroni portion. I thought that the coco puffs would be more difficult to pick up because they are spherical and that was the type of seed that was least picked up out of all three seed types.